Environment Policy

for P. S. Davies Tree Surgery & Forestry

P. S. Davies Tree Surgery & Forestry is committed to meeting the needs of its clients in an environmentally sound manner by seeking to minimise its environmental impact, and acting on opportunities to generate environmental benefit. The company is committed to achieving continual improvement in its environmental performance.

P.S.Davies as is reasonably practicable aims to achieve the following objectives.

  • Working within guidelines set out in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000, and Environment Protection Act 1985.
  • To comply with relevant environmental statutory regulations. In particular to use, handle, transport, store and dispose of potentially environmentally damaging materials including waste within the appropriate legislation and codes of practice.
  • To practice good tree management/ Woodland management through compliance with BS 3998 2010 Standards for tree surgery and BS 5837: 2005 Trees in relation to construction –recommendations, and other industry guidelines.
  • To take due account of, and enhance as appropriate, issues such as conservation and biodiversity.
  • To prevent pollution arising from its activities or services.
  • To ensure all contractors are made aware of this policy, environmental issues and their responsibilities.
  • To ensure all contractors are competent to meet those responsibilities through instruction, communication, sharing of expertise.
  • To review this policy annually and make revisions as necessary.